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<br> - line break and <p> - paragraph break

Abcd e fg hijkl mnopq srt uvw xy zabcde fghi jlkm nopq rstuvwxyza bc <br>
def ghijk. Abcd e fg hijkl mnopq srt uvw xy zabcde fghi jlkm nopq rstuvwxyza bc def ghijk.
Abcd e fg hijkl mnopq srt uvw xy zabcde fghi jlkm nopq rstuvwxyza bc <p>

def ghijk. Abcd e fg hijkl mnopq srt uvw xy zabcde fghi jlkm nopq rstuvwxyza bc def ghijk.

<font size=1> <font size=3> <font size=5>

These are used to identify headings in the document ans they should be used as such, not just to get the size text you want. Use <font> for that.

<h1>Heading 1</h1>

<h2>Heading 2</h2>

<h3>Heading 3</h3>

<h4>Heading 4</h4>

<h5>Heading 5</h5>
<h6>Heading 6</h6>

<OL>, <UL> and <LI>

Bullet types for <UL>
  • None
  • Square
  • Circle
  • Solid Disc (default)
Number styles for <OL>
  1. decimal
  2. decimal-leading-zero
  3. lower-roman
  4. upper-roman
  5. lower-greek
  6. lower-alpha
  7. upper-alpha
  8. hebrew

The list-style property is specified as one, two, or three keywords in any order If list-style-type and list-style-image are both set, then list-style-type is used as a fallback if the image is unavailable. The property applies to <ul>,<ol>, and <li>, and can all be set with one statement: list-style which is a shorthand for the following CSS properties:

  • list-style-image none or a url to an image, default=none
  • list-style-position which can be inside or outside, default is outside
  • list-style-type which can be disc, circle, square for unordered lists and a large number of numerals in various languages are available, default is Latin ASCII numerals.

    Examples: list-style
/* type */
list-style: square;

/* image */
list-style: url("../img/shape.png");

/* position */
list-style: inside;

/* type | position */
list-style: georgian inside;

/* type | image | position */
list-style: lower-roman url("../img/shape.png") outside;
Default is list-style: disc outside none;


Attribute Value Description
autofocus n/a Specifies that a text area should automatically get focus when the page loads
cols number Specifies the visible width of a text area
dirname textareaname.dir Specifies that the text direction of the textarea will be submitted
disabled disabled Specifies that a text area should be disabled
form form_id Specifies one or more forms the text area belongs to
maxlength number Specifies the maximum number of characters allowed in the text area
name text Specifies a name for a text area
placeholder text Specifies a short hint that describes the expected value of a text area
readonly readonly Specifies that a text area should be read-only
required required Specifies that a text area is required/must be filled out
rows number Specifies the visible number of lines in a text area
wrap hard
Specifies how the text in a text area is to be wrapped when submitted in a form