What is the VRx Internet Publishing System ("IPS") ?
IPS is a suite of tools developed by VRx that answers the following questions about the mechanics of writing web pages:
The VRx IPS suite was written by taking a step back from the web and looking what commonalities exist in websites and web pages and after idetifying these, writing special purpose tools to give you the best compromise between the machine doing all the work and being able to make a website look like anyything you want it to. There is more than just software here; there is a method of thinking about and building a website here that's as important as the tools, and it's not really true that the tools force this method, it's more correct to say "if you use this method these tools will seem really helpful." In a nutshell it's a bunch of C language programs that run on a unix system that write all the ugly and complicated HTML so you can just type in what you need to say and end up with nice looking web pages. Some of these prorgams are ones you use when you write or change your web page and some run when the page is served up and sent to a web browser when it requests one of your pages. VRx IPS is a suite of C language programs that will run on any unix-like platform such as Linux, OSX, BSD, or Solaris and works in conjuction with the Apache web server. IPS runs on the same computer as Apache and provides a content managament facaility by allowing quick and easy creation and modification of web pages or web sites all done on the web itself. One copy of IPS running on a machine can enable editing of hundreds if not thousands of websites that run on that server. IPS exploits a number of complex technologies to transparently make content management simpler and easier. Every attempt is made at every step of the way to minimize the amount of effort required to perform a task. IPS breaks down a website into each of it's simplest parts and provides a tool to manipulate each one. In addition, parts of IPS run automatically whenever a request is made for a web page providing an up do date and accurate navigation menu of what's on the server at this moment. To find out how it does all this, read the next section: "How VRx IPS does what it does". |